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Keeping up with the Collegetown Renting Rush


This year the Collegetown renting market has come back in full swing, with the students starting the year looking for housing.  Very reminiscent of the years pre-Covid when as soon as classes began students made a mad rush to rent for the next year.  I have been saying this all summer in my blogs, that it is a wise idea to start looking now.  Well, I guess the word was able to get out.  Whether my blogs had an effect on it or not who knows?  I would like to think so!  What I do know is that the Cornell off-campus housing market is booming again!

What’s Left?

Although a lot of inventory has been filled, we still have some great rentals left for 2023-2024.  So if you missed the “rush” or just got a little bit of a late start do not fret.  We have a really solid bunch of units left.  So do not despair if you were busy getting acquainted with your classes.  We know too well the pressure that any college student especially an Ivy league student experiences.  So no need to stress anymore, you can still get a really great Cornell collegetown apartment.  Please email us today!

Who we are

Here at PJ apartments, we have been providing student housing to Cornell students since the early 2000s.  So not to sound too old but that is since before many of our tenants were born.  We have worked very hard to restore historic houses in Collegetown.  Each year we are consistently ranked as one of the best student housing companies in Ithaca.  It takes a lot of work to get to where we are and we pride ourselves on our product.  Our fully furnished apartments near Cornell are a great place to live for any College student.  You want to bother comfortable and happy while at college and we can help with that!


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