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Local Beauty

2) Common Thread

The title suggests a commonality that is so unique to Ithaca, NY.  We have beautiful waterfalls, gorges everywhere, and an Ivy League University.  That is what makes Cornell and Ithaca so unique is that they share these common beautiful things.  Nature and serenity are very conducive to studying and focusing on your schoolwork.  It’s really nice to have the option to go sit by a waterfall, or down by the lake and do homework, read a book, or write a paper.  You can easily access and enjoy all of these things while living in a student apartment rental in Collegetown.

Free to enjoy

While living in off-campus housing near Cornell you are free to explore the beauty of Ithaca. Starting from on-campus to all over town.  In your student rental just blocks from the Cornell campus you can explore the grounds of Cornell, or walk down Cascadilla Gorge, take a bike to the lake, or walk to the Downtown Commons.  The options are endless and you will not be bored while being a student at Cornell.  It will be so nice to enjoy these unique activities while living in Collegetown, Ithaca.  The Fall and Spring semesters are the best weather-wise to enjoy these activities.  But you are not limited to enjoy these in the winter as well.  Having the snow adds such beauty and a different dimension to the natural environment surrounding us.

Winter Activities

Even though the days shorten and the weather is cold and snowy, the winter does also open up some possibilities. Sledding on the slopes is a perennial winter tradition for both students and locals. The day after a big snowstorm, maybe classes are canceled, you meet up with your friends after sleeping in and sled for a few hours, then grab a bite to eat together to warm up again!

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